As COVID-19 continues to spread throughout the world and in the United States, it’s important that businesses, municipalities, and other organizations do their part to keep their teams safe and reduce the spread of the coronavirus.
Remote inspections can help inspectors and clients stay safe through the coronavirus outbreak by offering a remote alternative to in-person inspections without sacrificing the quality of inspections.
This is particularly important for inspectors who typically spend a large portion of their time working and interacting with people. As such, in-person inspections may pose serious health risks as the virus spreads.
Let’s take a look at what remote video inspections are and how they can help prevent the spread of the coronavirus.
In-Person Inspections Pose Health Risks
In-person inspections present a number of challenges, including excessive travel times, damage to the environment, and more.
However, one of the most relevant and urgent issues that in-person inspections present today is their role in spreading the coronavirus. When inspectors meet with clients at job sites, they risk contracting the virus. Not only can they catch the virus from person-to-person contact, but they may also contract the virus from surfaces that have been exposed to it.
Moreover, if inspectors do contract the virus, they then risk spreading it to other inspectors, team members, and even clients. As it takes several days to start showing symptoms after catching the virus, it can be spread before inspectors even know they have it.
To mitigate this risk and keep both customers and inspectors safe, it’s important for city and private inspectors to implement a remote alternative to in-person inspections.
Stay Safe with Remote Inspections
While we, of course, hope the coronavirus outbreak does not affect you or your community, it’s important to be prepared to protect team members and employees. One of the best ways for businesses to prepare is to find remote solutions that allow their employees to work from home or the office while still being able to do their job and interact with customers.
Remote video inspections offer a robust, easy-to-use, and effective alternative to in-person inspections that can help inspectors and customers stay safe during this global outbreak.

To use Blitzz remote video inspections, inspectors simply send the client a link via text messaging, which the client can then click on to initiate a video call. As Blitzz supports all major mobile browsers, clients don’t even need to download an app.
Once the video call starts, the inspector can then walk the client through the inspection. Inspectors have full control of the video, meaning they can zoom in and out, capture images and videos as needed, and more. Inspectors can even use integrated markup tools to annotate the video throughout the inspection.
Ultimately, remote video inspections allow inspectors to continue to do their job and satisfy their customers without risking contracting or spreading the coronavirus.
Try it Today
As the number of coronavirus cases in the United States continues to increase, we encourage you to try our platform today to see how it can help your inspectors and clients stay safe amidst this outbreak.
If you’d like to test Blitzz for yourself, head over to our website to request a demo today!

What are Remote video inspections?
Remote video inspections are, essentially, exactly what they sound like. They allow inspectors to complete inspections from a remote location via a video call with the client — all without having to download an app or use any complicated software. Read more…
At Blitzz we are a people-first company. We pride ourselves on great empathy and customer service, setting that as the foundation on which we deliver impeccable efficiency. We remain supportive and proactive during these difficult times and are here to listen and help.