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4 Challenges of Virtual Call Center Software Adoption and How To Fix Them

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Most companies fail when it comes to adopting new technology solutions. In fact, 70% of digital transformation attempts in business don’t reach their targets, resulting in time, money, and energy wasted. Ouch. So, what can we do? 

You know that the business world is shifting to a remote-first approach in many sectors. Virtual call centers are the future of customer service, and you want to stay at the forefront of your industry. But how can you make sure your investment in remote tech support software for your call center doesn’t stick you smack dab in the middle of that 70% statistic?

This post will outline four of the most common challenges of virtual call center software adoption - and the solutions to those challenges. Curious about how you can get up and running quickly with your remote support solution? Let’s dive in.


The Challenges of Virtual Call Center Software Adoption 

What is virtual call center software? Simply put, it’s the technology that enables you to offer your customers quality service and support without having to drive all the way out to the customer’s site every time they have a question. The virtual call centers of the past involved large rooms full of cubicles, phones, and heavily scripted conversations. Today, innovative companies are stepping up their call center game by offering support through tools like remote video and using AI & AR for customer support.

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Blitzz has been in the virtual customer support game for a while now, and in that time, we like to think we’ve seen it all. We’ve seen enough to know that for every problem, there’s a solution. To check out how Blitzz’s Concierge tool can solve your call center software problems, start a free trial of our software today! Now, let’s take a look at some of the most common challenges during call center software adoption and how to fix them


1. Insufficient Onboarding & Training 

One of the most common challenges for software adoption is related to onboarding and training processes.

Your team members are accustomed to a particular set of processes and practices. Transitioning to a new software solution will throw a wrench in the works of those processes. That alone can be a barrier to successful software adoption, but if your team isn’t confident in the new methods they’ll need to understand, they’ll be even more hesitant to make the switch. 

Ensure you have a straightforward training process outlined when you plan to implement new technology like live video chat in your call center. You may want to explore requiring certification from your users as a way of guaranteeing that every team member has completed the training process. 

It’s also important to outline the benefits of the new system to encourage adoption. Incorporating live video chat, for example, helps to increase visual empathy in both the customer and the support agent. Increased visual empathy is beneficial for all parties on the call, including the support agent. After all, it’s much easier for a customer to yell at a disembodied voice over the phone than it is for them to yell at a face they can empathize with.

Your onboarding process should also include taking steps to minimize challenges associated with live video chat. Ensure all staff members have cameras on their computers and understand that they must be presentable on camera. Consider investing in headphones to reduce background noise, and coach your staff on adding virtual backgrounds to their video to eliminate distracting background visuals. 

Additionally, you should have a timeline for your onboarding process and a hard deadline for when the old methods go offline and the new techniques are mandatory to use. In short, when it comes to software implementations, clarity is the name of the game. 


2. Workplace Culture 

As much as we all may like to think our businesses have a culture of continuous improvement, that environment can be challenging to foster and tenuous to hold onto. After all, change is uncomfortable, and it is far easier for workers to fall into familiar habits and patterns, even if those habits and practices are less efficient than your new software solution.

Before starting any software integration, take a temperature check with your staff. Are there any attitude shifts that need to happen for the adoption of this new software to be successful? Identify your early adopters and prepare them to be cheerleaders for the implementation. 


3. Unclear User Adoption Metrics 

To make sure your software implementation is successful, you need first to define what “success” looks like. After all, if you don’t set targets upfront, how will you know when you’ve hit them?

Make sure your adoption metrics are laid out at the outset of your software rollout, and make sure you are genuinely measuring adoption rather than simply measuring engagement. Focus on new features if you’re sticking with the same overall system, and focus on the activities of newly added users if you’re switching systems altogether. 

If you find you’re falling short, you can take measures to correct the problem. But if your metrics are unclear, you may not even know you’re falling behind until it’s too late to regain your momentum.


4. Overly Complex Software 

Having an incredibly robust software solution sounds like the best solution on the surface, but think about, which would you prefer: A user-friendly system with amazing performance on key features you need, or software jam-packed with so many bells and whistles your users need a map just to get to their home screen?

The options look a lot clearer in that light. 

When it comes to customer support software, ease of use is paramount for your support agents and the customers.

With Blitzz, you can onboard your entire team within minutes. The software has all the tools and features you need with no confusing fluff you don’t. Your team members will be able to make calls on the system minutes after being introduced to Blitzz, and your customers can just click the link and go to participate in service calls. All the convenience, none of the hassle. 


Overcoming the Challenges of Virtual Call Center Software Adoption 

With proper preparation, strong leadership, and transparent communication with staff and customers, you can stymie most of the challenges associated with new software adoption. By following the tips in this post, you should be able to stop these momentum-busters in their tracks, and you’ll be up and running on your new software solution in no time.

The final challenge, however, depends entirely upon the software solution in which you choose to invest. If you’re looking for a virtual call center solution that is user-friendly, requires no downloads, and can have your staff off to the races in moments, give Blitzz a try! You can take our software for a 14-day test drive, free of charge! 

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