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4 Customer Experience Tools to Dramatically Increase Retention

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How essential are customer experience tools to the success of your business? More important than you might think. 

According to Forbes, 69% of customers are more likely to shop with a brand that provides a consistent customer experience across platforms. That means integrating your customer service software with the rest of your brand is imperative to customer retention.

You know customer retention is far less expensive than new customer acquisition, so you understand that keeping your existing customers happy is essential. If your customers aren’t sticking around, you may need to look beyond your support team and into your support tech stack. You’ve heard you can solve customer service issues 10x faster with remote support. But have you explored tools like live video chat for technical support and customer service? In short: Do you have the tools in place necessary to “wow” your customers and keep them coming back for more?

After reading this article, you will better understand five types of customer experience tools that can stop your churn rate in its tracks. 


Customer Experience Tools that Dramatically Increase Retention

What qualifies as a “good” retention rate may vary by industry. Still, the fact that your business’s financial success needs to have that reasonable retention rate is universal. Aside from costing you additional dollars in new customer acquisition, a poor retention rate can signal deeper issues with your customer support services. People don’t tend to flee from a ship that isn’t sinking after all. If you don’t have the right customer experience tools in place, you could unknowingly be drilling holes into your customer service ship. But it’s not too late to fix it!

At Blitzz, customer satisfaction is our number one priority - not just for our customers but also for their customers. If you’re curious about how Blitzz Concierge can help you support your customers remotely, check out our free trial today. 

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Let’s dive into some of the essential tools you need to keep your customers coming back again and again. 


CRM Tool

What does it do? 

The first thing you’ll need to invest in to ensure your customers have a good experience with your business is a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tool. CRM tools house all of your customer records. In addition to contact information, your CRM can store a customer’s purchase history, service issue history, a log of every interaction they have with your organization, and more.

How does it increase retention? 

Simply put, a properly managed CRM increases retention because it lets your customers know that you care about them. The fact that your organization remembers them will make them feel unique and valued, which makes them more likely to stick around. 


HubSpot and Salesforce are two examples of popular CRM tools on the market.


Customer Survey Tool 

What does it do? 

What is the best way to find out how to keep your customers happy? Simple: Ask them! This is why a customer survey tool is so essential for the success of your business. A customer survey tool allows you to take a temperature check of how your customers feel about the various products and services you offer them.

How does it increase retention? 

The way customer surveys increase retention is twofold. Firstly, sending a survey to your customers lets them know you value their opinions and feedback, which can improve their trust in your brand. Secondly, the feedback you receive from these surveys will give you guidance regarding the practices your customers appreciate and the ones you may want to revisit and rework.


Qualtrics and SurveyMonkey are two of the market leaders in customer survey tools.


Customer Self-Help Tool 

What does it do? 

There are a few different types of self-help tools for customers, but the piece they have in common is that these tools allow your customers to solve an issue without calling your support line. This tool may include things like webinars, FAQs, or ChatBots. Alternatively, you may provide a tool that allows customers to interact and network with one another, discussing challenges they are facing and sharing solutions.

How does it increase retention? 

Offering your customers a self-help option increases retention because it empowers them to solve their own struggles, rather than forcing them to go running to your support line every time they face a challenge. Self-help tools like customer networks are especially effective for retention because they allow your customers to create a sense of community among one another.


A lot of self-help tools, like customer service ChatBots might be included with your website if your site is hosted through a source like HubSpot. You can create customer networks on your website or use a tool like Slack or Discord to connect your customers.


Remote Video Support Tool 

What does it do? 

If you offer your customers technical support, you need a remote video support tool. Remote video support tools go miles beyond video conferencing or FaceTime applications, allowing a support technician to walk a customer through technical issues step by step using video footage from the customer’s mobile device. They also can incorporate tools like augmented reality, allowing a service technician to interact with the image on the customer’s screen, helping to guide them through a solution.

How does it increase retention? 

Remote video support increases customer retention by increasing customer satisfaction. When you have a quality remote support tool on hand, your customers won’t have to wait for a technician to come on-site to help them solve their technical issues. Instead, they can get help right from their mobile device, solving their customer service issues 10x faster with remote support. This is the exact type of above-and-beyond service that has the ability to wow your customers. 


Blitzz offers the most robust and user-friendly remote video support tool on the market. It can be used as a standalone tool or can be easily integrated with your existing support platform for the seamless insertion of live video capabilities for your support agents.


Dramatically Increase Retention with Your Customer Experience Tools 

Do you have all the tools outlined above? If not, you may have just found the answer to your retention rate woes. Customer expectations get higher every year, and you need to make sure that your business has the tech tools in place to meet - or better yet, exceed - those expectations.

Blitzz offers the most robust and reliable remote video support tool on the market. Schedule a demo today if you are interested in seeing how Blitzz can enhance your tech stack and increase customer retention. 

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