During the pandemic, the number of customer issues resolved on first contact dropped from 53...

See how Blitzz is helping companies save time and money with their inspections and audits.
See how companies are delivering 5-star customer experiences with Blitzz.
See how Blitzz is helping companies save time and money with their inspections and audits.
See how companies are delivering 5-star customer experiences with Blitzz.
During the pandemic, the number of customer issues resolved on first contact dropped from 53...
With a global health crisis in 2020, the demands to empower a remote workforce skyrocketed....
The future of field service is about to change. Many of these changes had already begun even before...
One of the big challenges for any service company is solving customer problems in a timely manner....
In times of disruption, whether it is a natural calamity or a long-term pandemic impact as we are...
Businesses that depend on in-person visits install an equipment, repair, perform routine...
When a crisis hits, top decision makers of service organizations cannot afford to spend months...
The technology to initiate remote video inspection has been ready for years, but progress in this...
Smartphone-, tablet, or laptop-enabled video technology are playing a big role in businesses that...
If you want to get a job done, you have to do it yourself, right?
What do Augmented Reality (AR), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Big Data, the cloud, IoT, and...
Blitzz’ with Zapier Integration enables users to seamlessly automate tasks and customize workflows...